Final Task Group Blog
Welcome back loves! I know I'm thrilled to be back, so are you? My last assignment is about to begin, and I can't wait to work with you all on it. With the completion of my music video project, I will start my next project. My next assignment, a Final Task, will be more engaging because we have the choice of working in groups or alone. But unlike my music video, this time I won't be working with a team. Though I did so with my music video, I believe that working alone will be in my best interest this time around. The previous time, I worked in a group, I think the process was more stressful. I decided to do my finest work by myself this time. Particularly taking off that layer of tension. My goal is to create my greatest work, and I believe that working alone will allow me to do so. being free to use my creativity to create anything I wish. Although working in a group can be a lot of fun and beneficial, there are a lot of factors that can make the project more stressful. My last experience was similar, and I feel like it simply made things worse for me. I definitely don't want to be dependent on anyone or feel like I'm awaiting their completion of tasks. I can't wait to share all of my ideas with you guys, so I'm really happy to get started on this project. But until I conduct additional research to be certain of my plans, I won't reveal those thoughts. so in my upcoming blogs, I will be delving right into all of my research. The amount of research I feel I need to conduct is a little frightening. In spite of that, I have outlined a solid plan that I will follow through on no matter what. As always, I appreciate your attention! Wishing you well in the upcoming one. Goodbye, loves.
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