Production Blog: Back to Back Filming!

Brain Food!

Hi my lovelies, Hello for the second day in a row! I have work today in the afternoon, round five. Thus, we must work quickly and efficiently. I got up at nine in order to get ready and go by ten. which I did, so we had a quick lunch to refuel when I arrived. Once I finished eating, I brought my makeup for the occasion. No scenes would be filmed outside today due to the running. We started recording the scenes in the chamber. which took us roughly sixty minutes to complete. When he made a small mistake, we laughed a lot as well. Then we go to the bathroom sequences, which were a little trickier to record because the bathroom is smaller than the other areas. That did take me a little longer, so I made the decision to just film a few sequences before moving on. I just shot one scene in the bathroom because I knew I had to leave soon to get dressed for work when I looked at the clock. In the end, I didn't even enjoy it, but whatever. Next weekend, I'll work even harder and go on. After saying my goodbyes, I left for work. I'm here right now, returning to you all after work! I must stay updated, my loves. See you guys in the next one! Bye my lovelies! 


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